
    Less potassium in diet? these recipes are rich in potassium

    20-Jun-2022 11 minutes Read

    These Ingredients and Recipes are Rich In Potassium

    Potassium is a mineral that the body needs for a range of functions. Because the body cannot generate potassium, it must be obtained through diet. However, because fruits and vegetables are rarely included in most people's diets, the majority of people do not obtain enough potassium. A healthy adult should take at least 4,700 milligrammes of potassium each day. Getting enough potassium in your diet is important for bone health, even if you have high blood pressure, because it may lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. You can get potassium in your diet by eating a variety of foods, and the easiest way to do so is to make interesting meals out of them. Here are a few potassium-rich dishes.


    AMIT: Potassium is a mineral that the body needs for a range of functions. You can get potassium in your diet by eating a variety of foods, and the easiest way to do so is to make interesting meals out of them. Here are a few potassium-rich dishes.

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    Both beans and lentils are high in potassium. White beans are high in potassium, with only 1/2 cup having 421 mg (130 grams). White beans have a high calcium and iron content. Contrary to popular belief, when cooked properly, white beans may be extremely appetizing.


    AMIT: Both beans and lentils are high in potassium.



    White potatoes are one of the highest potassium-containing foods available. A big baked potato has around 1,600 milligrammes of potassium. Potatoes are high in potassium and also include vitamins A, C, B6, and manganese. Everyone adores potatoes and has their own recipe for making them. This is a brand-new dish that you should try!


    AMIT: White potatoes are one of the highest potassium-containing foods available. Everyone adores potatoes and has their own recipe for making them. This is a brand-new dish that you should try!



    This is a healthier alternative to traditional kebabs. Beets come in a variety of hues, including deep red, white, and purple. The flavor of this vegetable is naturally sweet. Potassium content of 1/2 cup diced and boiling beets is 259 mg. Manganese and folate are also abundant in beets. Furthermore, the pigment that gives beets their deep color is an antioxidant that has been shown to combat oxidative damage and inflammation.


    AMIT: Beets come in a variety of hues, including deep red, white, and purple. The flavor of this vegetable is naturally sweet. Potassium content of 1/2 cup diced and boiling beets is 259 mg. 


    Spinach is a nutrient-dense vegetable. Cooking spinach is an excellent way for individuals who wish to enhance their consumption. Per cup, it has 839 mg of potassium. It also contains over 4 times the RDI for vitamin A, approximately 25% of the RDI for calcium, 10 times the RDI for vitamin K, and nearly 85% of the RDI for manganese. These nutrients are necessary for metabolism, bone health, visual health, and immune system function.


    AMIT: Spinach is a nutrient-dense vegetable. Cooking spinach is an excellent way for individuals who wish to enhance their consumption.



    Citrus fruits, such as oranges, are well-known for their high vitamin C content, but they are also high in potassium. One cup of orange juice has 496 mg of potassium in it. It also contains a lot of folate, thiamine, vitamin A, and antioxidants. Observational studies have indicated that persons who drink orange juice on a daily basis are more likely to satisfy their vitamin and mineral demands because they eat a better diet. They are also less prone to acquire obesity or metabolic syndrome. Furthermore, the high antioxidant content of oranges and their juice may aid increase the body's capacity to fight free radicals, inflammation, and heart disease.


    AMIT:  One cup of orange juice has 496 mg of potassium in it. Citrus fruits, such as oranges, are well-known for their high vitamin C content, but they are also high in potassium.


    6. TOMATOES 

    Tomatoes and tomato-based goods, such as tomato sauce, are high in potassium. Potassium content in one cup of tomato sauce is at least 728 mg. Tomatoes are also abundant in minerals like manganese and vitamins like A, C, E, and B6. Tomatoes also include beneficial plant chemicals such as lycopene, which may aid in the battle against inflammation and reduce the risk of prostate cancer.


    AMIT: Tomatoes and tomato-based goods, such as tomato sauce, are high in potassium. Tomatoes are also abundant in minerals like manganese and vitamins like A, C, E, and B6.


    7. BANANAS

    Bananas are known to be high in potassium. One banana, in fact, provides 451 milligrammes of potassium. This delicious fruit is high in magnesium, vitamin C, fiber, vitamin B6, and antioxidants. While ripe bananas have a high natural sugar level, green bananas have a reduced natural sugar content and a high resistant starch content, which may help control blood sugar and improve intestinal health. Green bananas and green banana powder have been shown to improve satiety, diarrhea, constipation, and weight reduction in some persons. Bananas can be eaten alone or combined with milk to produce a milkshake. To add texture and taste, toss in some walnuts and dates.


    AMIT: Bananas are known to be high in potassium. One banana, in fact, provides 451 milligrammes of potassium. This delicious fruit is high in magnesium, vitamin C, fiber, vitamin B6, and antioxidants.



    Potassium is a necessary nutrient that must be ingested on a regular basis. These dishes and snacks will undoubtedly increase your potassium levels. Make them a part of your diet and see the difference! 

    Source :potassium rich

    20-Jun-2022 11 minutes Read


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