
    Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

    19-Jul-2022 3 minutes Read

    Reclining Bound Angle Pose (supta baddha konasana yoga pose)

    The Supta Baddha Konasana is one of the restorative yoga poses meant for sleeping and body correction. It instilled a sense of calm and relaxation in you and can be an answer to how to sleep easily or how to quickly fall asleep once you hit the sack.

    The asana also helps you open up your hips and thighs, which in turn, makes other postures a walk in the park. The Supta Baddha Konasana is also referred to as the Reclined Goddess Pose, Bound Angle Pose Yoga, or the Reclined Cobbler’s Pose.

    The supta baddha konasana yoga pose should be performed in the morning, before breakfast. However, if mornings are not a suitable time for you, then evenings work too. One of the main Supta Baddha Konasana benefits is that performing the asana helps to sleep easily, but ensures there is a gap of three to five hours between the meal and the practice.

     Reclining Bound Angle Pose or supta baddha konasana yoga pose benefits 

    There are best and proven benefits of Supta Baddha Konasana. If you practice these asanas effectively then you will definitely get relief in that indicator which we have mentioned below-

    Improves Digestion

    supta baddha konasana helps in the proper functioning of the digestive organs, especially the stomach. It also stimulates blood flow and thus aids in the elimination of toxins. It helps fight constipation and indigestion.

    Relieves Back Pain

    The abdominal muscles get relaxed while doing this asana, thereby relieving the pressure on the spinal nerves. In addition, it provides relief from lower back pain.

    Enhances Memory

    Studies have shown that regular practice of this yoga posture increases brain function and enhances memory. You will feel less forgetful and relaxed after practicing supta baddha konasana.

    Keeps Blood Circulation Strong

    When I do supta baddha konasana, my feet start tingling. He is truly amazing. My blood circulation is strong. It seems that my body temperature has cooled down.

    Helps Relieve Anxiety

    This mudra helps to calm the mind and increase concentration. If you practice supta baddha konasana regularly, it will help you reduce stress levels.

    Promotes Weight Loss

    supta baddha konasana for weight loss, It promotes weight loss if practiced regularly with correct alignment. It is recommended to do this mudra at least 2-3 times daily.

    Treats Headache

    Even though headaches can be caused by a number of factors, many people find that their symptoms can be effectively treated by performing supta baddha konasana. It reduces tension, eases tension on the neck and back, and encourages blood circulation throughout the head.

    19-Jul-2022 3 minutes Read


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