
    Skin Care Mistakes You are making that are ruining your skin

    23-Jun-2022 7 minutes Read

    5 skincare mistakes you are making and how to fix them

    Everyone wants a flawless skin but sometimes achieving the ideal skin can be a tough task. Many of us don’t know the right path to the skincare which results in more usage of the products that does not suit the skin and leads to a more damaged and acne prone skin. Here are some common mistakes that you might be making and ways how you can fix them and achieve the right balance between the skin and the products.

    Your skin itself gives the signal if it is liking the product or not and all you need to understand the signals and follow it to level up your skincare.  I know breaking old patterns are difficult but it might lead to a better skin than ever.

    Are you making the following skincare mistakes? Let’s find out and get you on the path to a proper skincare routine.

    1. Using toxic ingredients

    There are thousands of toxic ingredients that make their way into our products. Many of which can affect your overall health, such as disrupting your hormones, increasing your risk of certain cancers, irritating your skin, causing allergic reactions, and more.

    Some of these include Parabens, Phthalates, Triclosan, chemical sunscreen filters, and synthetic fragrance.

    Now how to avoid these in your skincare, do check out the ingredients list on the back of any products and go for products that do not contain harmful ingredients. You can do a Google search for products that are more on the organic side. Not only with skincare even haircare products should be free from such chemicals and you will see a significant change in your skin texture.

     2. Not realizing oily skin is a dehydrated skin

    If you’ve gone your entire life thinking you have oily skin, we’re about to drop a truth bomb on you. You may actually have naturally oilier skin than some, but this can also be a sign that you have dehydrated skin.

    Here’s how that works: When your skin is lacking moisture, it overcompensates by creating excess oil. This gives the illusion of oily skin, but your skin is really trying to tell you it needs more moisture. Specifically, dehydrated skin needs more water content.

    How to fix this skincare mistake: Don’t be afraid of hydrating products and ingredients. Give facial oils a chance! You can’t go wrong with a classic Hyaluronic Acid serum or moisturizer to really pump some moisture into thirsty skin.

    3. Skipping your sunscreen

    There are many common skincare mistakes surrounding SPF. Here are some of the myths about sunscreen:

    · Relying only on skincare and makeup containing SPF

    · Thinking you only need sunscreen in the summer and spring

    · Foregoing sunscreen altogether

    · Forgetting to apply sunscreen on your entire body

    · Using chemical sunscreen filters instead of mineral sunscreen

    A lot of sunscreens leave a white cast on the face, so it’s easy to want to skip this crucial step in a proper skincare routine. However, some professionals argue that SPF is the most important skincare skip, so skipping out on sunscreen is highly discouraged.

    According to the American Academy of Dermatology, you should apply sunscreen every day that you will be outside. Even on days where the sun isn’t shining, the harmful rays can reflect off snow, sand, and water.

    When choosing a sunscreen, opt for mineral sunscreens. Studies have confirmed the health risks of chemical sunscreens, so avoid ingredients like oxybenzone, avobenzone, octisalate, octocrylene, homosalate, and ooctinoxate.

    Never leave your house without sunscreen and always use a sunscreen of 30SPF or above and see a huge difference in long term.

    4. Not moisturizing immediately after cleaning

    Whether you wash your face in the shower or at your sink, you may know the feeling of dry, itchy skin after cleansing. Hot water and harsh cleansers can exacerbate this feeling, but it’s natural to experience dryness after a shower or cleanse.

    Hot showers can actually damage the skin. Cleansing with hot water can lead to excessively dry skin, irritation, and itchiness.

    This is where the timing of moisturizing after a shower comes into play. Forgetting to moisturize right away increases the skin's susceptibility to further dryness and dehydration. Skin may also feel uncomfortably tight after a shower, which can lead to more irritation.

    Moisturizing immediately after cleansing prevents further damage, dryness, irritation, and itchiness.

    moisturizing immediately after you shower or wash your face.  the importance of applying a cream to your face and body to trap moisture into the skin.

    5. Not removing makeup before going to bed

    I cannot emphasis much on this as it is really crucial to remove makeup from your face before going to bed as to let your skin breathe. Never sleep with your makeup on this can lead to an acne prone skin and damage the upper layers of skin. 

    Clean your face before going to bed and let your skin breathe to make it ready for the next morning.

    NEXT>>> Looking for a healthy glowing, loving skin? Try these massagers that can help you achieve it.

    23-Jun-2022 7 minutes Read


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