
    Best Foods to Eat while Fasting During Navratri

    29-Sep-2022 3 minutes Read

    Best Foods to Eat while Fasting During Navratri

    Navratri is an important celebration for Indians. Throughout the nine-day celebration, devotees worship Goddess Durga and her nine incarnations; each day is dedicated to one incarnation of the Goddess. The majority of followers maintain a light sattvik diet and abstain from non-vegetarian foods and alcohol. Some individuals fast for the entire nine days and eat only vrat-friendly items. Regardless of how people choose to observe the religious event, certain foods are consumed and others are avoided during the nine days. We have listed some foods that are frequently consumed and foods that are supposedly avoided during Navratri in case you are always confused about the diet limits or are just beginning to follow them.

    Vrat-Friendly Foods You Can Eat


    During Navratri, one can eat any type of fruit. Fruits can be eaten whole, blended with milk to form shakes, juiced, or cut into desserts or hanging curd to make smoothie bowls.

    Rock Salt or Sendha Namak

    The alternative to table salt is sendha namak. Sendha namak is a salt with a high degree of crystallinity and little sodium chloride. It is regarded as being purer than table salt since it has not been treated.

    Milk and Milk Products

    Throughout the festival, it is acceptable to consume milk and any items made with milk, including curd, cottage cheese, and vrat-acceptable delicacies.

    Kuttu Ka Cheela

    A Cheela dish that is simple, healthy, and vrat-friendly to try during Navratri! Add some shredded ginger and paneer on top. When accompanied by tamarind or coconut chutney, it tastes the best.

    Vratwale Khatte Meethe Aloo

    Potatoes seasoned with lemon and chilies. This dish is the ideal combination of sweet and sour for Navratri fasting. All of this is allowed during the Vrat season and is manufactured from rock salt.

    Vratwale Paneer Rolls

    A delicious paneer meal that you can cook and eat even during Navratri fasting. This delightful mid-day snack is made with grated paneer, potatoes, sendha namak, and spices. When hosting visitors for a festival, serve it as a snack with mint or coriander chutney. You can eat it at any time of the day.


    Low Fat Makhana Kheer

    A recipe for low-fat kheer made with makhana and nuts is provided for those who find joy in desserts. Enjoy yourself without being concerned about the scale! This wonderful kheer dish will make your fast even more worthwhile!

    Sabudhana Khichdi

    The abundance of starch or carbohydrates in sabudana provides you with the much-needed energy boost during a fast. Sabudana, peanuts, and gentle spices are used to make a light dish. Sabudana kheer and sabudana vada are excellent options for Navratri snacks.

    Banana Walnut Lassi

    Use this nourishing beverage to fuel yourself. yogurt, bananas, honey, and walnuts are all healthy ingredients in this lassi. Enjoy this lassi, which is nutritious, to stay energized all day.

    Enjoy these scrumptious dishes this festive season, and make sure to share your pleasure with your friends and family.

    Happy Navratri 2022!

    29-Sep-2022 3 minutes Read


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