
    These are the ways to achieve a Eco-friendly Wardrobe

    24-Jun-2022 5 minutes Read

    Ways to achieve a sustainable wardrobe

    Today's era, there has been a large increase in the fashion and textile industries. These industries are creating an enormous amount of waste. Era of 2000, the world is talking about the sustainable lifestyle, then why not have a wardrobe that’s sustainable too.

    Sustainable wardrobe means to achieve a wardrobe that Is least harmful to nature like using cotton as the fabric or sole other sustainable fabric, from buying eco-friendly pieces to recycling clothes in a number of ways.

    Here are a few of the tips to achieve that perfect sustainable wardrobe.

    1. Research on the fabrics and its sustainability

    Firstly, make sure that you have a good knowledge of fabrics so that you can make sure that you are buying the right piece of clothing for your wardrobe. Materials like cotton, recycled polyester, jute, silk and many more are very sustainable for the environment.

    The same goes for your bags and shoes, try not owning any animal leather, instead you can go for plant leather that’s more environmentally friendly.

    2. Wearability

    Understanding your requirements are very necessary, your wardrobe ratio should have 70% of clothes that you need on an everyday basis, like if you’re a person who lives at a cold place you mostly need sweaters and jackets and less of the summer clothes. So, make sure to invest into things you need rather than things you feel are just going to sit in your wardrobe for the longest time.

    3. Versatility

    Make sure to own pieces that can be paired in multiple ways, so that you can create stylish looks with minimal pieces in the wardrobe. Investment into good boots or shoes along with some jackets and some basic Jeans are very versatile pieces and can last very longer. Understand your fashion style and then go for pieces that are very versatile and sustainable at the same time.

    4. Change your shopping habits

    Always shop with a mind set, make sure you always decide what you need so that you do not end up collecting waste in your wardrobe. Avoid buying useless things that you will never need from sale. Just because it has a cheap price. Always organise your wardrobe so that you get an idea of what you need next and your wardrobe has everything that you need without any garbage getting collected.

    5. The care label check

    Make sure you always go through the label and read about the fabric and the material that are being used, this gives you an idea about the maintenance so that a particular piece of clothing can last much longer.

    6. Invest wisely

    Investment is one of the major things to look at, always have what you want in back of your mind. Make sure to invest in high quality clothing which has a quality on top, so that you can use it multiple times without losing the shine of the clothing piece.

    7. Repair, recycle

    Make sure to recycle, this is the key to sustainability. If you don’t need a particular cloth, donate it to someone who might need it. This way you will be making a waste cut down to its maximum.

    You can even create small home DIY from you clothing pieces, such as a

    ● mat

    ● pillows

    ● coin bags and many more.

     Sustainable fashion can be fun in their own ways with a major step towards saving our mother earth.

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    24-Jun-2022 5 minutes Read


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