
    Sucker for iced coffee? Here are few that can beat the heat this summer

    23-Jun-2022 1 minute Read

    Types of iced coffee

    Here are some amazing iced coffees one must try

    1. Iced Expresso

    This is an amazing American blend of espresso shot along with some ice and cream sugar.

    2. Cold brew

    It is the classic version of black coffee served with some ice.

    3. Frappuccino

    The most popular iced coffee on the Starbucks menu is a blend of espresso shot mixed with some whipped cream and blended ice.

    4. Nitro

    It is one of unique kinds as it has coffee with some cream and lastly nitrogen bubbles are added to it.

    5. Iced coffee

    This has blended coffee with some sugar, cream and ice.

    6. Mazagran

    This is one of the must try once In a lifetime, as it has the blended coffee with some sugar, lemon and lastly rum to it.

    READ ALSO>>> Coffee Head? These are a perfect fit for you!!

    23-Jun-2022 1 minute Read


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